Lowell Races
Textile River Regatta (Fall)
US Rowing NE Youth Championships (Spring)
Location: Lowell, MA. GPS address: Bellegarde Boathouse, 500 Pawtucket Blvd, Lowell, MA 01854
This GPS address is for the Boathouse that the University of MA/Lowell rows out of. We usually park our trailer closer to the Rynne Bath House (157 Pawtucket Blvd). That is where we will be launching from. When you park in the parking lot, cross the road to the river. Walk left along the river (away from the boathouse), until you see our big silver trailer.
There are directions on the website to get there, but I recommend using the ones below. Some GPS directions and the website directions take you another way. You will more than likely be late because there is a lot more traffic. TAKE EXIT 35 off Route 3 and you will get there much more quickly!
DIRECTIONS TO LOWELL: (should take about 40 minutes)
Recommended Directions: Everett Turnpike/Route 3) into MA. Exit 35. Right at the end of the exit ramp onto Route 113 towards Tyngsborough. Go over the bridge and continue on 113/Pawtucket Blvd. You will end up following the river downstream, past Vesper Country Club and eventually come to the UMass Lowell boathouse (Bellegarde Boathouse) on the right. Across the street from the boathouse is a Dunkin Donuts and also the event parking in a large soccer field on the other side of the divided highway. There are plenty of legal spots to do a U-turn and head back towards the field for parking. There is a $10 fee to park in the event parking.